Meet Abuja most love Radio Station

Synopsis of Programmes on Love 104.5 FM Abuja

This is the early morning show that starts at 6am until 10am every working day of the week, Mons-Fridays. Hello Nigeria Show is a magazine programme that covers news and current affairs as well as religious programme in the early part of every weekday. Hello Nigeria cuts across various audience spheres as a wide range of issues are dealt with on this program laced with good Christian vibes. 

The Podium is the Station’s flagship news and current affair program that highlights current issues in the polity from time to time. It comes up every week day between 8.35 and 9.30am. The Podium is hosted by Sam Akpan and a crew of analysts chosen from both the print and broadcast media who trash issues ranging from politics, economy, education etc. 

This program is a once in a week show that highlights not only trending issues but also trending personalities in society who are making the headlines in the society. News maker is a 45minutes programme that seeks to interview anybody or Organization that have something to tell Nigerians. It airs every Wednesday at 11am. The Head of News, Yetu Musa anchors it most times. 

This programme comes up every Friday at 11am. National Assembly Watch is a programme designed to highlight the activities of the National Assembly with the aim of educating the populace on new bills passed and laws consented to. This program seeks to bring the ruling class closer to the masses by bringing lawmakers occasionally to explain some of their actions in the hallowed chambers. The duo of KemiAjala and Francis Etuko presents. 

This is an entertainment and information based program that is tailored to accompany the listener as they make their way home after a long day at work. The programme is designed to serve as a traffic indicator for resident of the FCT who use the roads regularly. On ABJ on the Move, safety driving tips and proper road usage tips are also discussed on the programme, all of these in an atmosphere of good music and entertainment gist. 

This program has grown to become one major programme on this dial that pulls an incredible percentage of the radio station's audience. Tori wowo is a radio program that informs and aims to educate as well as sensitize members of the public on issues that border on human existence in general especially the bizarre stories of life. Tori wowo comes up every week day from 8pm to 9pm and on Saturday mornings at 7.15am for a weekly recap. It is anchored by one of Abuja’s best comedians, Ambassador Wahala. 

Anchored by another comedian, Wale Baba, this magazine programme encompasses, news, entertainment and humour all in one. From 6am to 10am, Saturday Morning Show holds the airwaves with up to date information. 

This is a weekly programme powered by the Road Safety Corps and the Vehicle Inspection Office, VIO with the aim of enlightening members of the public on proper road ethics. This comes up on Thursdays from 4pm with Madam Waka as the anchor person. 

Jointly co anchored by the trio made up of Madam Waka, Madam Culture, Sabina a.k.aSabiSabi and a comedian, Vitamin Six, this is the afternoon show which is delivered in pidgin with the aim of entertaining and educating members of the public of varied categories. This programme enjoys good listenership and is good dose of relaxation during lunch hour. It runs between 3 and 4pm Mons, Weds and Fridays. 

This Kind God is the Sunday Morning Show that dwells on the wonders of the goodness of God. It is on every Sunday between 6 and 10am. This show is driven by Vitamin six and is a mix of humour, information and entertainment as well as inspiration. 

This is one of the major entertainment programmes of the station. The Big Beat Show is anchored by Sugar Sugar and comes up every evening from 7.30 pm to 10pm. 

Oga landlord is a unique program that deals with the rampant issues of accommodation, land and tenancy matters that affect the residents of the FCT and its environs. Anchored by Sony Otache(Oga Landlord), this program comes up every Monday and Friday at 11am and on Wednesdays at 10.30am. 

This program is designed to reach out to the women folk. It has been designed to help steer the 21st century women on a path to self discovery and actualisation all the while helping her maintain her self-worth and esteem in a male dominated world. It runs 2 pm to 2.30pm Thursday and Fridays and anchored by UjuOhieri. 

Sports at 5 is a major programme to be looked forward to every weekday. Sports at five brings to the audience minute by minute update on the world of sports. Sports at 5 entertains and informs our teeming sports loving audience. It runs Monday through Fridays between 5 and 5.45pm and anchored by Udeme George. 

This programme is designed to reach the Igbo indigenes of the FCT and its environs while dealing with issues that concern the Igbo community. This programme is anchored by Chidy Ugo Ibekwe aka Madam Culture. It runs every Saturday morning at 11am 

The Yoruba indigenes in the FCT have a field day every Sunday at 4pm on this dial with OluAkindele as he deals with issues that are of interest to the Yoruba race. 

This is a Reggae programme that is designed to reach the Reggae loving members of the public with classic reggae tunes and news stories relating to reggae artistes and their music. This show Is anchored by Timmy Banton and comes up on Saturdays at 7pm. 

This is a show that allows the listeners to call in to share their testimonies on what God had done for them. It is anchored by Fortune and it runs on Sundays at 8pm. 

This is an informative and entertainment programme which runs on Sundays at 12.30pm and is anchored by Ernest Essien, alias MC Miracle. 

This is our weekend sports programme that wraps up all major sports issues and is anchored by Udeme George. It runs on Saturdays between 1 and 2pm. 

The programme is designed specifically to showcase Nigerians not lesser than 40 years old who have contributed immensely to the growth and betterment of the nation in their various fields of endeavour. It takes the form of a straight interview with the anchor asking very direct questions from the respondent. The questions will seek to bring out how it was when growing up and all the challenges that were faced and issues bothering on nationhood, including the saddest, happiest and most embarrassing moments in the interviewee's life among others. The focus is to recall the experiences of the past with the sole aim of building confidence in the younger and upcoming generations who may also want to emulate the achiever in fashioning a better life now and in the future.The programme is recorded and runs for Forty five minutes every Sunday from 6.15pm with a repeat on Tuesdays at 10pm. The host is Samuel Enoh Akpan. 

Echoes of Paradise and Love Talk poached from Port Harcourt and anchored by DafiniGogo-Abbey. The former runs on Saturdays at 11pm while the latter runs on Sundays at 10pm. Kiddies Playground is also a Port Harcourt programme that runs on Saturday mornings at 7.30am and anchored by Pat Idowu. INDEPENDENT PROGRAMMES:

We have some very good Independent Programmes that are paid for but that are still subject to being sponsored if we get the link. They include award winning Berekete Reality Show which is designed by Ordinary Ahmed Isa and it runs every working day between 7.30am and 8.30am. It is a social crusading programme that is designed to help the needy and oppressed in the society and it is in Pidgin English and commands acceptability in and around the city. There is also The Opportunity which is a product of an Independent producer which seeks to give young Nigerians ample opportunity on ways of surviving the unemployment market. It is anchored by JangoranTalakawa and runs every working day between 10.05 and 10.45am. Automedics is another Independent programme that is designed to assist motorists know how to handle auto issues bothering them. It seeks to assist in solving all problems relating to vehicles. It runs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4.05 pm. 

Love 104.5 Crowther Radio Abuja was on June 8, 2013 adjudged as the Most Outstanding Radio Station in the Nation’s Capital City, Abuja. The Award was conferred on the Station by The Yoruba Community in The Federation’s Capital, FCT for its outstanding and qualitative programmes and presentations. The Station was also adjudged the Most Outstanding Radio Station in the FCT for 2013 by National Waves Newspapers and Magazine.

Our Programs

The Podium
Girls on Fire
Tori Wowo
The Crusader

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