Revealed : 5 Reasons Why Most Men Are Unable To Satisfy Their Women In Bed

As most male fears revolve around satisfying the female
partner, Gitanjali suggests, “Till the time your women is
emotionally satisfied, you can easily satisfy her sexual
needs. The more emotionally connected you are, the more
enjoyable physical intimacy will be. Try and indulge in
physical intimacy only when your woman is ready, as it
helps creating a comfort zone where she will participate
equally. And while having sex, stay calm, relaxed, indulge
in foreplay and nothing will stop you from performing the
desired way.”
Here are some common fears that make men nervous every
time they gear up for a steamy romp…
Fear fright # 1: Leaving her unsatisfied
The foremost fear of leaving the female partner unsatisfied
has a direct correlation with a male’s organ size. While a
woman thinks bigger the better, the man keeps worrying
about what if he’s unable to give the desired pleasure.
This fear of not giving their best somewhere triggers a
feeling of being an imperfect sex partner, which may even
hit a man’s ego directly.
Get Over It : Dr. Gitanjali Sharma explains, “The fear of not
satisfying a women leads to many questions in a man’s
mind. He starts thinking that will she look for that sexual
satisfaction elsewhere and that thought of her being with
someone else (because of his under performance) will
make him more complex. This is like a vicious cycle, as
the more he thinks on this subject, he gets driven by
performance anxiety, thus leaving her unsatisfied most of
the times. Performance in bed mainly depends on a
woman’s state of mind at that time. You need to be
comfortable with your woman’s body to feel a strong
connection. Go slow and steady and understand your
woman by awakening her sensitive parts rather than
worrying about your size.”
Fear fright # 2: Premature ejaculation
A gratifying sex quickie is all about giving and receiving
pleasure. While men make every efforts to please their
female partners, they would, most of the times, remain
anxious about their own climax and this fear is driven by
the ejaculation period. It’s a very common apprehension
that men come across where they suffer premature
ejaculation due to which they end up spoiling sex.
Get Over It : Dr. Arora elucidates, “Medically, if a man is
able to hold his ejaculation for at least one minute, he is
not a patient of premature ejaculation. But unfortunately
very few people know this fact and they are being
misguided with fake ads and while watching porn movies,
which makes them think that they are unable to have sex
for a longer period. This creates a feeling of insecurity
about their female partner and the sexual stress mounts,
which gets converted into performance anxiety. In most of
the cases, the problem practically doesn’t exist, but the
fear is creating it.”
Fear fright # 3: Not getting her pregnant
Though it’s not necessary that every sex session should be
aimed at getting the woman pregnant, but still men do
carry impotency fears in their minds. The continuous worry
of not getting a woman pregnant puts men in a serious
stigma, which adversely affects their sexual performance.
Get Over It : Dr. Arora says, “Having a child is related with
both male and female health and destiny too. There are
numerous cases where medically everything is normal, but
the female is unable to conceive. You should try to have a
healthy life style, a proper diet and a positive attitude about
yourself. If there is any problem with your semen, it can be
treated, so no point worrying about it. The first need is a
good sex life, not having a child.”
Fear fright # 4: Lacking porn value
It’s a normal practice that men watch porn to learn certain
sexual acts and then repeat them with their partner. In an
attempt to try something new and opt for wild acts, men
repeatedly indulge in bringing out the porn elements in
their sex life. And many a times, if the female partner is not
responding positively, men start feeling that they are
lacking somewhere.
Get Over It : Dr. Gitanjali says, “Men often compare their
sexual performance with porn scenes or with that of their
female partner and the fear that they might be less
experienced makes them panic. Men should understand
that performing in bed has nothing to do with any
experience. It’s the mental connection with the female
partner which can exist even without taking any inspiration
from the porn acts.”
Fear fright # 5: Masturbation done in the past
Several studies have claimed that masturbation done
during one’s childhood or adolescent years doesn’t impact
a person’s sex life in his later years. Yet there exists
numerous fears attached to the same. Men often blame
their masturbation habits for their weak bedroom
performance and with this illogical apprehension; they fail
to focus on their present sexual acts.
Get Over It : Dr. Arora advices, “Masturbation doesn’t harm
much, but the guilt of masturbating is more harmful, and
this is just due to lack of sex education. Every healthy male
masturbates many times in his life in various stages of age,
there is nothing to worry about.”
Article Culled From
