If He Says These 5 Words To You, Stay Away from Him

As a lady, if any man you are interested in says these things to you, there is actually no need to stick around.

1. “I'm not yet ready. You can date around.
He’ll tell you to date around but it also means that you aren’t the one for him… at least not for the moment. Maybe he’ll realize how special you are or maybe not.

How do you deal with this? You go out there and date others and if seeing him is too hard, you release him to the world and see if he comes back. In the meantime, you keep hunting for someone who wants you as much as you want him.

2. “I can’t make any promises.”
It may be true that he likes you so he doesn’t want you to go anywhere but he doesn’t love you enough to commit and settle down. So, he will see you and spend time with you but he won’t commit because he doesn’t want to make a promise that he can’t keep. You deserve better.

3. “I still want to see what is out there"
If he keeps going on and on about how he’s not ready to settle down because he’ll lose options and he’s not ready to do that, it's very bad. Well, at least he's being honest. So, in a way, he’s doing the right thing by not promising you something he won’t stick to. On the other hand, he’s playing you.

4. “I don’t see a future with you.”
So, he’s a nice guy and is good to you, but he’s not signing himself up to be with you. Why? He doesn’t see a future with you. If he doesn’t see a future with you, he doesn’t love you and he’s not worth another breath or second of your time.

5. “It’s not you, it's me.”
It may very well be “him.” His past relationship issues. His addiction. His fear of hurt. His life, college or job or family commitments. Sure, there may be reasons that he can’t commit. But when he says “it’s me,” he’s also saying, “It’s not you… the one I love.”
